Saturday, January 15, 2011

The beginning

Namaste !
And time is ruining to 11-.
Waves  waves    Waves
Life in waves
Motion of life.
The project started and it is a life’s project.

When you arrive catch it, stay on it as long as it’s high
after in the deep emerge with it
so it will come up again
And then again
This is your life my friend.

And in waves we move
The only thing you could really master
is to stay close to the edge of your wave,
so you can see outside.
And again: This is your life my friend

Be happy of your wave’s length
Some are smaller ,some are bigger
In some you go up and down and up and down
and in the big ones you could spend a life
Up or down
Is your unique wave
Only for you made

And when in the down,
Use your imagination, you can do everything
It’s dark down there
So use any color you want
It’s your world my friend

And waves can meet
You can even hear each other
But remember
This is not your wave,
This is not your edge
And you cannot change
You are the master only in yours
And only your wave can you travel

Don’t bring anybody close to your wave
Don’t tease them
You know they drawn
Don’t use your egoism here
Use it to see

And waves never end
The ocean is endless
There is no time no direction,
There is only up and down
And these are the waves
Live your way
Life in waves

*I am not using my egoism to write. I just ride my wave J